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Table 4 Participation in falls prevention programs

From: Older adult falls prevention behaviors 60 days post-discharge from an urban emergency department after treatment for a fall


Males (n = 21)

Females (n = 66)

All Participants (n = 87)

Contacted/attempted to contact falls prevention program

0 (0%)

2 (3%)

2 (2%)

Participated in falls prevention program (e.g. MOB, Tai Chi)




How likely you will participate in falls prevention program in next year?

 Very unlikely

3 (14%)

28 (42%)

31 (36%)

 Somewhat unlikely

2 (10%)

12 (18%)

14 (16%)

 Neither likely nor unlikely

2 (10%)

3 (5%)

5 (6%)

 Somewhat likely

10 (48%)

11 (17%)

21 (24%)

 Very likely

4 (19%)

12 (18%)

16 (18%)