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Table 1 The key design features of the UPLOADS-ST and UPLOADS-Lite injury and incident reporting systems

From: End-user experiences with two incident and injury reporting systems designed for led outdoor activities - challenges for implementation of future data systems



Changes made for UPLOADS-Lite and their rationale

IT Platform


FileMaker Pro

SurveyMonkey used to collect incident report and Excel spreadsheet to collect participation data. This was in response to an industry need for a very easy, quick, online data-reporting tool that did not require knowledge about a specific program.

Paper-based incident reports




Collects incident reports




Collects participation data (for exposure measurement)



Yes – this was through an Excel spreadsheet

Stores incident reports in a format accessible to organization



No. The system was designed as a data repository only for the purposes of collation of information across organisations. It was not designed to provide detailed incident reports for organisations to access, as it was assumed that they already had that data themselves on individual incidents and were not interested in undertaking their own detailed cross-incident analysis.

Stores participation data in a format accessible to organization




Analyse and classifying contributory factors in incident reports



No. Detailed incident description and analysis, from a safety systems point of view, requires a high level of understanding and expertise. Organisations chose to use UPLOADS-Lite because they were not interested in, or did not have the skills, to do this themselves. These organisations still wanted to provide data about led outdoor activity incidents, without a requirement of also needing to analyse them in detail, which was a key feature of UPLOADS-ST.

Produce aggregate summaries of contributory factors involved in incidents



No. Detailed incident description and analysis, from a safety systems point of view, requires a high level of understanding and expertise. Organisations chose to use UPLOADS-Lite because they were not interested in, or did not have the skills, to do this themselves. These organisations still wanted to still provide data about led outdoor activity incidents, without a requirement of also needing to analyse them in detail, which was a key feature of UPLOADS-ST.

Generate descriptive statistics on the incident data



No. Detailed incident description and analysis, from a safety systems point of view, requires a high level of understanding and expertise. Organisations chose to use UPLOADS-Lite because they were not interested in, or did not have the skills, to do this themselves. These organisations still wanted to still provide data about led outdoor activity incidents, without a requirement of also needing to analyse them in detail, which was a key feature of UPLOADS-ST.

Contribute data to the National Incident Dataset




Confidentiality of submission of data to the National Incident Dataset


Automatically de-identified (names removed) data to send via email to research team. Data was then merged for analysis and organization given a code. Organization was re-identifiable

Submission of de-identified incident reports was completely anonymous. Excel spreadsheets submitted via email. This was to protect the privacy of organisations contributing their incident data to a larger national compilation of incidents.



A manual describing the overall approach to incident reporting and analysis, this included the systems thinking approach and how to collect appropriate incident data; A manual describing each component of UPLOADS, including the classification schemes and the Software Tool; A manual describing how to create reports on incident statistics and interpret the Accimap analyses; On-line videos demonstrating how to use the Software Tool (e.g. entering incidents reports, classifying contributory factors and relationships, aggregate analyses)

A manual describing the overall approach to incident reporting and analysis, this included the systems thinking approach and how to collect appropriate incident data and 1 page of instructions for using Survey Monkey and the excel spreadsheet. Because UPLOADS-Lite did not include functionality around detailed interrogation of incident reports and identification of causal factors, no further training was provided.