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Table 1 Characteristics of parents reporting firearms in the home vs no firearms in the home

From: Adverse childhood experiences, child behavioral health needs, and family characteristics associated with the presence of a firearm in the home: a survey of parents in Chicago



Weighted %

(95% CI)

Firearms in the Home

Weighted %

(95% CI)

No firearms in the home

Weighted %

(95% CI)



22.0 (19.1–24.9)

78.0 (75.1–80.9)

Child ACEs


 2+ ACEs

12.1 (9.8–14.3)

53.8 (44.1–63.5)

46.2 (36.5–55.9)

 1 ACE

25.9 (22.7–29.2)

23.2 (17.2–29.2)

76.8 (70.8–82.8)

 No ACEs

62.0 (58.4–65.6)

15.3 (12.2–18.4)

84.7 (81.6–87.8)

Has your family been personally affected by firearm violence?



21.5 (18.4–24.6)

34.2 (26.9–41.5)

65.8 (58.5–73.1)


78.5 (75.5–81.6)

18.7 (15.5–21.8)

81.3 (78.2–84.5)

Parent health


 Better health

65.9 (62.2–69.6)

27.0 (23.1–30.8)

73.0 (69.2–76.9)

 Worse health

34.1 (30.4–37.8)

12.4 (8.2–16.6)

87.6 (83.4–91.8)

Has your child ever used specialty behavioral health services?



36.7 (33.1–40.4)

35.6 (30.1–41.2)

64.4 (58.8–69.9)


63.3 (59.6–66.9)

14.1 (10.9–17.2)

85.9 (82.3–89.1)

Parent gender



43.6 (39.6–47.5)

35.3 (29.3–41.3)

64.7 (58.7–70.7)


56.4 (52.5–60.4)

11.7 (9.3–14.1)

88.3 (85.9–90.7)

Parent current age


 Over 35 years

67.0 (63.5–70.4)

19.7 (16.3–23.1)

80.3 (76.9–83.7)

 35 years and under

33.0 (29.6–36.4)

26.7 (21.3–32.1)

73.3 (67.9–78.7)

Parent race & ethnicity


 Asian/other race, non-Hispanic

9.4 (7.3–11.5)

15.9 (7.3–24.5)

84.1 (75.5–92.7)

 Black, non-Hispanic

19.9 (16.9–22.9)

19.8 (12.8–26.7)

80.2 (73.3–87.2)


39.3 (35.4–43.1)

16.3 (11.8–20.9)

83.7 (79.1–88.2)

 White, non-Hispanic

31.4 (28.3–34.6)

32.3 (27.2––37.4)

67.7 (62.6–72.8)

Parent education


 College graduate or above

39.2 (35.8–42.7)

28.7 (24.7–32.7)

71.3 (67.4–75.3)

 Some college or technical school

23.3 (20.3–26.3)

18.7 (12.9–24.4)

81.3 (75.6–87.1)

 High school or below

37.4 (33.4–41.5)

17.1 (11.6–22.6)

82.9 (77.4–88.4)

Household Income as % of FPL


 400% or greater FPL

35.7 (32.3–39.1)

33.4 (28.3–38.6)

66.6 (61.4–71.7)

 100–399% FPL

41.7 (37.9–45.5)

19.1 (14.8–23.4)

80.9 (76.6–85.2)

 Less than 100% FPL

22.6 (19.3–25.9)

9.2 (3.8–14.7)

90.8 (85.3–96.2)

  1. ACEs Adverse Childhood Experiences, FPL Federal Poverty Level